How to Avoid Bumps after a Bikini Wax

How to Avoid Bumps after a Bikini Wax

Are you constantly getting bumps after a bikini wax? If so, you’re not alone. It’s completely normal because forcibly removing hair leaves the hair follicles exposed and susceptible to bacteria that can cause inflammation and infection. To better understand how to avoid bumps after waxing, follow this guide to learn why they form, how to prevent them, and more. 

What causes bumps to form?

There are several causes of bumps after a bikini wax, including folliculitis and ingrown hairs. It is common to develop folliculitis after hair removal, like waxing, which looks like small red bumps or pimples around hair follicles. Folliculitis occurs when hair follicles are damaged and infected by bacteria. Therefore, you should refrain from picking at these bumps to reduce the risk of infection and complications.

Ingrown hairs typically appear about a week after waxing. They appear “when the hair grows and reinserts itself into the hair follicle” and can cause itchy bumps that sometimes look like pimples. 

How to avoid bumps before waxing 

You can prevent bumps by regularly cleansing and gently exfoliating your skin. Exfoliating before waxing can reduce dead skin cell buildup. It's essential to use a gentle exfoliator, like a washcloth or mild scrub, to prevent further irritation. You shouldn’t use chemical exfoliators because they can irritate the skin and increase your susceptibility to burns from the wax. 

Avoiding after Brazilian wax bumps

After hair removal, some people develop - a bumpy, pimple-like rash. The cause of it is inflammation and usually resolves on its own. If white or fluid-filled bumps persist for more than a few days, it's possible that folliculitis is the result of a mild infection.

To avoid post-wax bumps it’s certainly important to exfoliate before waxing, it's essential that you exfoliate afterward, too. Post-wax exfoliation with complexion treatment pads can remove dead skin cells to release ingrown hairs and help prevent new ones from forming. Wait 72 hours after waxing for best results.

To prevent irritation, avoid sweating, excessive activity, or working out for up to 24 hours after a wax treatment. You should also avoid wearing tight clothes for one to two days after waxing to reduce irritation and friction. 

Compresses can also help reduce irritation and prevent bumps. Applying warm compresses to the affected area is particularly helpful for ingrown hairs; they open the pores up and help release the ingrown hair. 

You can also moisturize the skin to help soothe the irritation and reduce any inflammation. It’s important to use fragrance-free moisturizers like aloe vera to not further irritate the already sensitive skin.

Laser hair removal as a wax alternative

Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative if you’re prone to ingrown hairs after waxing. Our licensed laser technicians can customize your laser hair removal program to give you the safest, most effective results. Unlike waxing, you can go back to your regular routine after a Brazilian bikini laser hair removal. It is unlikely that you'll experience any irritation. 

Our Brazilian Bikini laser hair removal results in a “permanent reduction of about 70% to 90% of unwanted hair” after only six treatments. Laser hair removal is suitable for all skin types. To learn more about our laser treatments, call us, purchase online, or visit one of our New York locations.

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