Incorporating LED light therapy into your treatment is an excellent way to boost results. Below are some top questions answered by our clinical trainers to make adding LightStim to your treatment as seamless as possible.
Should I apply product to the skin prior to treatment?
You can do LightStim treatment on clean dry skin, or after having applied a compatible serum or near transparent mask, depending upon what you’re trying to achieve. Many serums include ingredients that target the same objectives as light therapy. Because the gentle warmth of the light can help promote product absorption, this is a great way to get the maximum benefit while keeping the skin hydrated.
Are there any products I should not use with light therapy?
You can apply anything you choose after the LightStim treatment. Prior to treatment you should not apply anything harsh, drying, ingredients that are known to promote irritation, heavy moisturizers, or opaque products that may block light absorption.
How far away should the device be from the skin?
Handheld devices can be placed directly on the skin. Hands-free devices should be positioned 1-2 inches from the skin for the best possible results. LightStim devices are all designed to allow for close proximity to the skin without sacrificing stability or durability.
Can the device be used on all skin types?
Yes. Because light therapy helps improve skin function and restore balance it’s perfect for all skin types. For this reason, and because it helps enhance the benefits offered by other treatments like dermaplaning and microneedling, LightStim can be added to almost everything you do for next level results.