Body FX
BodyFX is a non-invasive treatment that effectively targets cellulite by using state-of-the-art technology such as radiofrequency energy, suction, and heat. The procedure is quick and painless where we can precisely identify fatty deposits in your thighs, rear, and legs. When combined with a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise, results in an improved appearance and reduction of fatty tissue areas over time.
Great For:
- Cellulite
- Fat reduction
- Loose skin
Before and Afters


Skin is tighter, smoother, and more toned.
What can you expect after a Body FX at Skin spa new york?
Reduced cellulite
This proven and effective radio frequency therapy melts away cellulite and leaves your thighs, butt, and abs looking thinner and more toned.
No pain or downtime
Unlike liposuction or other medical weight loss treatments, BodyFX won’t leave you with pain or any downtime. You can even get treatments over lunch!
Smoother skin
If you’re looking to get more toned skin in problem areas, BodyFX can give you noticeable results over the course of six months.
Tighter skin
After experiencing significant weight loss, you might have loose skin in some areas. BodyFX treatments can help tighten and tone your skin.
Fewer fat cells
BodyFX actually permanently kills some of the fat cells in whatever area you choose to treat. Over six months, the cells will completely leave your body.
Long-lasting results
With a maintained healthy diet and exercise routine, BodyFX will help you permanently keep the extra fat and weight off your problem areas.
What is BodyFX by InMode?
Skin Spa New York proudly brings you InMode Aesthetic Solutions technology, the only platform that offers the latest in light, laser, and radio frequency technology. InMode is the leading name and gold standard for in-demand aesthetic procedures and offers noninvasive treatments for exceptional results.
For cellulite reduction and laser body sculpting, we offer BodyFX by InMode, a noninvasive body contouring treatment that not only targets fat and cellulite, but also tightens your dermis. BodyFX is one of the top nonsurgical alternatives to liposuction. Using advanced technology, electrical pulses result in a permanent removal of unwanted fat cells without downtime or pain.
Does BodyFX Work?
BodyFX treatments are extremely effective, with trusted and long-lasting results. The BodyFX device uses radio frequency energy that is transferred through the skin and underlying fat, causing the tissues to heat and contract. Once the target tissue reaches the right temperature, negative pressure suction and controlled energy pulses work simultaneously to kill fat cells and to provide beautiful body shaping results.
Is BodyFX safe?
Yes, BodyFX is safe. The device utilizes real-time active temperature monitoring and control with temperature cutoffs. This results in unrivaled safety and eliminates the risk of thermal injury.
What are commonly treated areas?
BodyFX can be used on any part of the body with stubborn fat reserves and cellulite. Common areas include the abdomen, stomach, back, buttocks, legs, love handles, and more. Speak to our body-contouring specialist today about those areas of lingering fat you can’t seem to get rid of!
What can I expect during my treatment?
This is a noninvasive treatment for cellulite and body fat, and there is no downtime—you can even get BodyFX done during your lunch break! A treatment area takes about 10 minutes to complete. During the treatment, you will feel a warming of the treated area. This warmth is about the equivalent you’d feel after a deep tissue massage. Afterwards, you may notice some slight redness in the treated area, but this will subside within a few hours.
How many treatments will I need?
In just 6–8 sessions, scheduled one week apart, BodyFX reduces the appearance of cellulite, dimpled skin, and loss of elasticity on the abdomen, hips, thighs, and other areas that require fat reduction.
Why do I have cellulite?
Cellulite occurs when fat cells beneath the connective tissue push upwards, causing the telltale lumpy appearance on the surface of your skin. In women, connective tissue lies in a vertical layer on top of the fat cells. In men, the connective tissue sits in a crisscross pattern, which makes it more difficult for the fat cells to push through. This is why men are far less likely to develop cellulite than women. Some factors that can contribute to cellulite buildup include:
Hormonal imbalances
Unhealthy diet
Lack of physical activity
Cellulite can appear in anyone, regardless of activity level. However, treating it has never been easier! With our proven and effective radio frequency therapies, we melt away cellulite and leave your body looking thinner and more toned. Multiple visits may be necessary to see optimal results.
How does BodyFX work?
During the BodyFX treatment, radio frequency energy is used to target fat cells in the treatment area. While the area is being heated, a special vacuum-like tool is used to suction in the skin to allow an electroporation pulse to hit the treatment zone. The heat of the pulse destroys the fat cells and prompts skin tightening. This heat also stimulates collagen production and promotes healing.
This innovative procedure can be used on many parts of the body, including:
Love handles and flanks
Upper arms
Hips and thighs
The number of treatments you need to achieve your desired results depends on many different factors, but most patients see results within 6–8 visits that are spaced 11 days apart from each other. We can help you determine what is right for your needs. We’re happy to answer your questions, and we’ll ensure you feel at ease throughout the process.
Does it hurt?
There are three sensations you will experience during BodyFX: heat from the radio frequency energy, tugging at your skin from the vacuum, and pulsing from the electroporation. Most people find the treatment comfortable and tolerable.
How Is BodyFX better than Liposuction?
We all want to have better-looking bodies, and when exercise and diet aren’t enough to give us that trim and healthy-looking figure, other solutions may be considered. While many women contemplate liposuction to remove fat and cellulite, the truth is liposuction is only effective at removing certain layers of fat and requires a long recovery process afterward.
Liposuction is not a good choice for removing unsightly cellulite because it doesn’t actually address the areas where cellulite forms. If you’re looking to rid yourself of the tell-tale dimples that cellulite brings, body sculpting with BodyFX is an effective option. Body sculpting offers a wide range of advantages to liposuction, the most important being it requires no downtime and is completely noninvasive and painless.
How does BodyFX get rid of cellulite?
Roughly 80–90% of women experience cellulite deposits on their legs and thighs. These minute fat deposits form underneath your skin and can be caused by various factors that include genetics, lowered estrogen levels, hormone imbalances, and foods that contain high amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and salt. While exercise and proper diet can help lessen your chances for new cellulite deposits forming, body sculpting is an effective treatment for cellulite that has already formed.
Body sculpting is an innovative technology that uses a combination of heat, suction, and radio frequency soft-waves to isolate the cellulite and destroy it at a cellular level, allowing it to be reabsorbed back into your body and removing the dimpling appearance. This spa treatment has been tested and approved by the medical community as a safe and reliable measure in improving the appearance of your legs and thighs. While there are many varieties of body sculpting available, the most trusted is BodyFX.
What are the advantages of BodyFX?
While there are numerous cellulite treatments on the market (including lotions, peels, and other electronic means), at Skin Spa New York, we feel BodyFX provides the best and longest-lasting results. Comprehensive fat reduction and cellulite removal starts with good diet and exercise and is completed with this signature body sculpting method.
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